1,394 research outputs found

    Some Identities for the Quantum Measure and its Generalizations

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    After a brief review of classical probability theory (measure theory), we present an observation (due to Sorkin) concerning an aspect of probability in quantum mechanics. Following Sorkin, we introduce a generalized measure theory based on a hierarchy of ``sum-rules.'' The first sum-rule yields classical probability theory, and the second yields a generalized probability theory that includes quantum mechanics as a special case. We present some algebraic relations involving these sum-rules. This may be useful for the study of the higher-order sum-rules and possible generalizations of quantum mechanics. We conclude with some open questions and suggestions for further work.Comment: (v1) 19 pages, LaTeX. (v2) 18 pages, LaTeX: minor corrections, simplified proof of lemma

    Efecto-riqueza durante las Colocaciones Públicas Iniciales Privatizadoras en Chile (1984-1989)

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    Se estudia el desempeño posterior a la colocación de once Ofertas Públicas Iniciales (OPIs) en Chile, durante 1984-1989 y se proporciona una descripción detallada de las condiciones económicas y políticas prevalecientes. En particular, se presentan los detalles operativos del mecanismo de emisión de acciones, complementado con un estudio estadístico de los Rendimientos Ajustados por el Mercado de las OPIs. Aunque el tamaño de la muestra es limitado y no permite alcanzar una validez externa, el análisis confirma la presencia de patrones de desempeño muy similares a los observados en OPIs tanto privadas como privatizadoras, de acuerdo con otros estudios relacionados (Aggarwal, Leal y Hernández, 1993; Dewenter y Malatesta, 1997; Loughran, Ritter y Rydqvist, 1994; Perotti y Guney, 1993).

    Banking Concentration in the European Union during the Last Fifteen Years

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    The increase in the concentration of the banking industry across European Union countries during the last fifteen years can be explained in terms of: a) global factors, like the comprehensive adoption of technological innovations, the intensification of competition that has resulted from the deregulation of the financial sector and, more recently, as a consequence of the government interventions and forced acquisitions prompted by the 2007-2009 financial crisis; and, b) factors that have been specific to the E.U., in particular, the structural changes that took place in the region as a result of the creation of the Single Financial Market (1993) and the introduction of the euro (1999). This work analyzes the concentration process of the banking industry in the E.U. during the last fifteen years giving preeminence to the strategic choices made by the region’s commercial banks. It also reports the most visible E.U. banks’ M&As and government interventions that resulted from the 2007-2009 financial crisis, make a preliminary evaluation of the outcomes, and suggests possible future trends for the banking industry in the region.Concentration in banking, European Union, M&As in banking


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    Objetivo.- Identificar fuentes de presión (o estresores), manifestaciones de estrés a nivel personal y organizacional, así como estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés en ejecutivos de medianas y grandes empresas mexicanas, a través del Indicador de Presión en el Trabajo (IPT) para esbozar una propuesta de afrontamiento con enfoque de desarrollo humano organizacional. Metodología.- Investigación descriptiva, de diseño no experimental transeccional. La muestra no probabilística se integra de 41 ejecutivos mexicanos. Los datos se recolectaron mediante un instrumento de 111 reactivos durante abril-noviembre 2006. Se hipotetizan altos niveles de presión, manifestaciones de estrés positivas más que negativas a nivel personal y organizacional, así como un uso moderado de estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés; también se supone la relación entre las variables que integran el IPT.Resultados.- Los ejecutivos objeto de estudio trabajan en promedio 53 horas a la semana, no consideran que la carga de trabajo sea fuente de presión, aunque sí la responsabilidad y las dificultades diarias, así como la gran necesidad de reconocimiento y el natural desequilibrio casa-trabajo. Los resultados muestran que los ejecutivos mexicanos considerados, dan poca importancia al clima organizacional y no recurren al soporte social para afrontar el estrés.Inventory management, supplychains, demand management, inventorycontrol, decision supportsystems.

    Plan de Negocios: Compañía de Responsabilidad Limitada .EC.

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    The following work was done by a group of students from the College of Administration in which I contributed with the Summary, the Abstract, the analysis of the Threats and Opportunities, the Organizational Chart, the Human Resource policies, the costs of incorporation of the company and the conclusions. This business plan details the requirements for the creation of the limited liability company “.EC”, which will be located, at the beginning, in Quito, in the area of the Mariscal (Plaza Foch), place where the most of the young tourist attractions are located. Our plan is to expand our presence to Galapagos, Baños, Montañita and the airports of Guayaquil and Quito. This business consists on the sale of the best quality t-shirts with 100% organic cotton, to support the preservation of the environment, stamped with original and artistic designs always maintaining a youthful and modern look. Our competitive advantage will be our artistic designs. This came from the success factors investigation. This project started from the idea of satisfying an important part of the market, which currently does not have a representative brand of our country with designs that represent it. Our principal goal is to create value among our customers. We want also to increase our sales every year by 5% and in 10 years to capture 40% of our target market. The initial investment for the project will be 15000dollarsthatwillbecontributedbythemembersofthisprojectintoequalparts.Finallythisplandetailstheobjectives,strategies,themarketingmix,theopportunitiesandthreatsanalysisandthefinancialanalysistodeterminetheviabilityoftheproject.ElsiguientetrabajofuerealizadoporungrupodeestudiantesdelColegiodeAdministracioˊnenelquecontribuıˊconelResumen,elAbstract,elanaˊlisisdelasOportunidadesyAmenazas,elOrganigrama,lasPolıˊticasdeRecursosHumanos,loscostosdeconstitucioˊndelaempresaylasConclusiones.EsteplandenegociosdetallalosrequerimientosnecesariosparalacreacioˊndelaCompan~ıˊalimitada.EC,queseubicaraˊ,inicialmenteenQuito,enlazonadelaMariscal(PlazaFoch)lugardondeseencuentraunabuenapartedelasatraccionesturıˊsticasdelaciudad.NuestrosplanesincluyenlaampliacioˊneventualhaciaGalaˊpagos,Ban~os,Montan~ita,ylosaeropuertosdeGuayaquilyQuito.Elnegocioconsistedelaventadecamisetasdelamejorcalidad,100algodoˊnorgaˊnico,conelfindeapoyaralapreservacioˊndelmedioambiente,estampadascondisen~osoriginalessobretemasautoˊctonosmanteniendosiempreundisen~omodernoyjuvenil.Nuestrofactorclaveparaeleˊxitoseraˊeldisen~oartıˊstico.Estosurgioˊdenuestrainvestigacioˊnsobrefactoresclavesparaeleˊxito.Esteproyectonacedelaideadesatisfacerunaparteimportantedelmercado,quenoencuentraenlaactualidadunamarcarepresentativadenuestropaıˊscondisen~osquelorepresenten.Ademaˊsnuestrasproyeccionessonaumentarnuestrasventasan~oaan~oenun5LainversioˊninicialdelProyectoseraˊde15000 dollars that will be contributed by the members of this project into equal parts. Finally this plan details the objectives, strategies, the marketing mix, the opportunities and threats analysis and the financial analysis to determine the viability of the project.El siguiente trabajo fue realizado por un grupo de estudiantes del Colegio de Administración en el que contribuí con el Resumen, el Abstract, el análisis de las Oportunidades y Amenazas, el Organigrama, las Políticas de Recursos Humanos, los costos de constitución de la empresa y las Conclusiones. Este plan de negocios detalla los requerimientos necesarios para la creación de la Compañía limitada “.EC”, que se ubicará, inicialmente en Quito, en la zona de la Mariscal (Plaza Foch) lugar donde se encuentra una buena parte de las atracciones turísticas de la ciudad. Nuestros planes incluyen la ampliación eventual hacia Galápagos, Baños, Montañita, y los aeropuertos de Guayaquil y Quito. El negocio consiste de la venta de camisetas de la mejor calidad, 100% algodón orgánico, con el fin de apoyar a la preservación del medio ambiente, estampadas con diseños originales sobre temas autóctonos manteniendo siempre un diseño moderno y juvenil. Nuestro factor clave para el éxito será el diseño artístico. Esto surgió de nuestra investigación sobre factores claves para el éxito. Este proyecto nace de la idea de satisfacer una parte importante del mercado, que no encuentra en la actualidad una marca representativa de nuestro país con diseños que lo representen. Además nuestras proyecciones son aumentar nuestras ventas año a año en un 5% y en el lapso de 10 años captar el 40% de nuestro mercado objetivo. La inversión inicial del Proyecto será de 15000 dólares los cuales serán aportados por los miembros creadores de este proyecto en partes iguales. Por ultimo este plan detalla los objetivos, las estrategias, el marketing mix, el análisis de oportunidades y amenazas y un análisis financiero para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto


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    La técnica de Aspiración Manual Endouterina (AMEU) es una de las técnicas terapéuticas de mayor auge, ya que presenta menores complicaciones en comparación con el Legrado Uterino Instrumentado, por lo que en este estudio los compararemos y designaremos su eficacia

    Object Tracking from Unstabilized Platforms by Particle Filtering with Embedded Camera Ego Motion

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    Visual tracking with moving cameras is a challenging task. The global motion induced by the moving camera moves the target object outside the expected search area, according to the object dynamics. The typical approach is to use a registration algorithm to compensate the camera motion. However, in situations involving several moving objects, and backgrounds highly affected by the aperture problem, image registration quality may be very low, decreasing dramatically the performance of the tracking. In this work, a novel approach is proposed to successfully tackle the tracking with moving cameras in complex situations, which involve several independent moving objects. The key idea is to compute several hypotheses for the camera motion, instead of estimating deterministically only one. These hypotheses are combined with the object dynamics in a Particle Filter framework to predict the most probable object locations. Then, each hypothetical object location is evaluated by the measurement model using a spatiogram, which is a region descriptor based on color and spatial distributions. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows to accurately track an object in complex situations affected by strong ego motion

    Robust automatic target tracking based on a Bayesian ego-motion compensation framework for airborne FLIR imagery

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    Automatic target tracking in airborne FLIR imagery is currently a challenge due to the camera ego-motion. This phenomenon distorts the spatio-temporal correlation of the video sequence, which dramatically reduces the tracking performance. Several works address this problem using ego-motion compensation strategies. They use a deterministic approach to compensate the camera motion assuming a specific model of geometric transformation. However, in real sequences a specific geometric transformation can not accurately describe the camera ego-motion for the whole sequence, and as consequence of this, the performance of the tracking stage can significantly decrease, even completely fail. The optimum transformation for each pair of consecutive frames depends on the relative depth of the elements that compose the scene, and their degree of texturization. In this work, a novel Particle Filter framework is proposed to efficiently manage several hypothesis of geometric transformations: Euclidean, affine, and projective. Each type of transformation is used to compute candidate locations of the object in the current frame. Then, each candidate is evaluated by the measurement model of the Particle Filter using the appearance information. This approach is able to adapt to different camera ego-motion conditions, and thus to satisfactorily perform the tracking. The proposed strategy has been tested on the AMCOM FLIR dataset, showing a high efficiency in the tracking of different types of targets in real working conditions